East Central Illinois Christian School

A Christian education for your family

At East Central Illinois Christian School, discipleship is our WHY. It is the center of all that is done. Above all, East Central Illinois Christian School promotes a transformational Christian worldview. Jesus’ love, power, and authority inform and guide all practice and community life. This includes leadership, management, teaching, curriculum, and effective governance.

We put the Bible at the center of our process. We ask students to evaluate all they study through the lens of God’s Word. Because God is Truth, He brings a unity of truth to all of His creation. No subject can be taught in its totality if the Creator is ignored or denied.

At ECICS, students can come to know Jesus on a daily basis. We disciple students as complete creations in Him. Spiritual mentoring and modeling, godly self-discipline, and Christ-like treatment of one another are woven into the fabric of each child’s life.